TGTE TV 09 Sep 2024

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57 th Session of the Human Rights Council I Interactive Dialogue on OHCHR report on Sri Lanka
10 Sep 2024
57 th Session of the Human Rights Council I Interactive Dialogue on OHCHR report on Sri Lanka
TGTE TV · 649 Views

TGTE Urges Sri Lanka be Referred to the ICC I Human Rights Council I 57th Session

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Eelam Tamils in North and East of Sri Lanka under Sri Lanka Security occupation needthe High Commissioner Technical presence in North and East of Sri Lanka. Following theMullivaikal Genocide, the Sri Lankan Government has engaged in the cultural andstructural genocide of Eelam Tamils. Hindu Temples are being destroyed or desecratedin Tamil-majority areas. Concurrently, there have been efforts to construct Buddhisttemples in those regions with government support. This effort at religious transformationis an attempt to alter the demographic and cultural landscape of the Tamil homeland.26th May 2023, the UN Human Rights Committee issued a unanimous decisioncondemning the Sri Lankan state for torturing a former LTTE combatant. The tortureincluded electric shock and rape. The Committee ordered the Sri Lankan State toinvestigate the police responsible for the brutality, pay adequate compensation hevictim, and change its laws to ensure that this kind of conduct cannot be repeated. SriLanka has not taken any action on these orders.The factors identified by the Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese in her report titled“Anatomy of a Genocide” are also present in the report of the expert panel onAccountability in Sri Lanka appointed by then-UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. 15years have shown there is no room for domestic justice for atrocity crimes.Thus, we respectfully request that the HRC recommend the Security Council to refer SriLanka to the ICC as enough time has been wasted and the victims cannot wait any longerseeking justice.Thank you#colombonewstoday #unitednations #justice #eelamvideos #lankahotnews #lankasri #lankanews #colombonewstoday #colombotamilnews #colombonews #ranil_wickramasinghe #ranilwickramasinga #mahindarajapaksa #gotabayarajapaksa

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57 th Session of the Human Rights Council I Interactive Dialogue on OHCHR report on Sri Lanka
10 Sep 2024
57 th Session of the Human Rights Council I Interactive Dialogue on OHCHR report on Sri Lanka
TGTE TV · 649 Views