TGTE TV 17 Aug 2022

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METHAGU - 2 | Full Movie | Methagu Thiraikkalam
01 May 2023
METHAGU - 2 | Full Movie | Methagu Thiraikkalam
TGTE TV · 1,545 Views

METHAGU-I Full Movie | Methagu Thiraikkalam


Methagu-I (மேதகு -I)தமிழீழ விடுதலைப்போராட்டத்தின் வீரம் செறிந்த ஒரு உன்னதமான தலைவரின் வரலாற்று காவியம் - பாகம் ஒன்று

The movie titled “Methagu” (His Excellency in English) is a kind of biopic that portrays the early years of Mr.Prabhakaran who gave the courageous leadership for the upsurge of the people of Tamil nation who fought for their lost rights in the Sri Lankan island. In this movie, childhood and boyhood of Mr.Prabhakaran are portrayed and depicting the historical events that had an immense impact on him since the time, he was infancy. This film pulls us all back into the life of the period from 1954 to 1975 in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Conceptually speaking, this movie is about the history of the birth of a leader who gave birth to the upright history for his people.

"மேதகு-II" மிகவிரைவில் என்ற தளத்தில் வெளியாகவுள்ளது.METHAGU-II movie will be released soon in TamilsOTT (

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METHAGU - 2 | Full Movie | Methagu Thiraikkalam
01 May 2023
METHAGU - 2 | Full Movie | Methagu Thiraikkalam
TGTE TV · 1,545 Views